Are events in film accurately depicted in term of chronology

Assignment task: I have a few questions about the movie: 1492 - conquest of paradise. I will need to make a canva poster for it and am hoping to get these questions answered before I start it. Thank you for your help :))

Q1. Are the events in the film accurately depicted in terms of chronology?

Q2. Are the major events in the film accurately represented? Do they reflect the accepted historical record? 

Q3. Are the historical figures represented accurately/fairly based on your understanding of the historical record?

Q4. Are multiple historical perspectives considered? Or, does the film reflect a biased/one-sided point of view? Is the bias reasonable considering the content of the film?

Q5. Does the film give the viewer a strong sense of what it would have been like to experience the particular time and place (e.g. setting, costuming, technology, etc.)?

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History: Are events in film accurately depicted in term of chronology
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