You know that CEOs make a lot of money, and that they are an important component of organizational leadership. However, the recent economic downturn saw some organizations take government bailouts at taxpayer expense, lay off employees, and still give large bonuses to shareholders and/or CEOs.
The question is: are they worth it? Look at the O*net profile for chief executives (Use those words in an occupation keyword search) to inform your answers to the following questions:
(1) Are CEOs paid too much, or are they worth the high compensation packages they receive?
(2) Is it ethical or fair that a CEO receives a bonus when employees are being laid off or having their benefits reduced?
(3) Does high compensation for CEOs actually increase company performance?
Remember, in your answers it must be obvious that you have gone to the O*Net (so, include some information from there in your answers). Be sure to reference your work APA style.