Bob, the owner of Bob's Pizza on Main Street. Main Street is a major street in the center of Bay City. Bob has decided to run for the Bay City Council. Bay City has a safety ordinance that states: "Political signs may only be visible from any major street from Midnight on Friday to Midnight on Sunday. Bob has a large window in the front of his Pizza restaurant that is visible on Main Street. Bob writes in big letters on that window "Vote for Bob for City Council". Bay City sends Bob a letter informing him of the ordinance and ordering him to remove the sign or face a $1,000 per day fine. Bob goes to Court and challenges the ordinance. He argues that many people have political signs in their front yards which are up all week and that all businesses on Main Street have signs advertizing those businesses and that does not create a traffic problem. Bay City argues that the yard signs are on side streets with little traffic and do not pose a safety hazard and that the business signs are necessary for business and are not covered by the ordinance. You are the Judge.