Read the article Establishing the African-American history through art and answer these questions-
1. Does it make a claim and not just offer a description?
2. Is it arguable and not simply self-evident, universally accepted, or of little interest?
3. Can it be supported by evidence?
4. It is narrow enough to be convincingly supported in this paper written in a month? Reviewing the Draft
5. Is the paper within the requirements for length?
6. What is the basic point or focus of the paper?
7. Is the title interesting and informative? Does it create a favorable impression?
8. Are the early paragraphs engaging and do they convey the thesis clearly and describe how the paper will be organized?
9. Are arguable assertions supported with adequate evidence?
10. Are terms defined thoroughly?
11. Are quotations introduced with signal phrases EX: "Panofsky has argued," "An opposing view holds," rather than just dumped into the essay? Are quotations as brief as possible? Might summaries properly credited with sources be more effective than long quotations?
12. Are quotations adequately commented on, not simply left to speak for themselves?
13. Are all sources cited-not only words, but also ideas-including Internet materials?
14. Is the organization clear, reasonable, and effective? Check transitions and make sure they flow and make sense.
15. Does the final paragraph nicely round off the paper, or does it merely restate- unnecessarily-what is by now obvious?
16. Does the paper include a formal analysis that clearly presents the visual facts relevant to the argument?
17. Is there a properly formatted "Works Cited" section of reliable sources that include books and/or articles and not just museum websites.
18. Are there at least five numbered and labeled images (photos, detail views, other objects for comparison, sketches, etc.) and are they properly discussed and referred to in the paper as Figure 1, Figure 2.

Figure 1

Figure 2
19. Are the footnotes or endnotes in proper form?
20. Is the paper fastened with just a staple with no stiff binders or covers?
21. Have spelling, typos, and grammar problems been marked and corrected on the hardcopy?
22. Are all works of art in italics? Plagiarism - Moore has a severe policy against plagiarism!
23. Are all quotations and summaries of other people's ideas properly credited?