
Architecture of dotnet web service framework

1.(a) Write down the difference between the value type and a reference type? Describe with suitale example the process of boxing and unboxing.

(b) Describe with proper example the C# enumerations and structures.

2.(a) What is meant by interface? Describe how an interface can be defined and extended?

(b) Write down the difference Interface and abstract class.

3.(a) Describe the usage of delegate declaration with suitable example.

(b) Describe the function garbage collector.

4. How do you add the calendar control and a spin control to your windows applications? Enhance your application by including dialog boxes, tool tips and error providers.

5. Describe the procedure to create the windows application for utility named FileCopier which copies all files from the group of directories selected by user to a single target directory or a device.

6. Describe about file and folder operation sand stream class with suitable example.

7. Describe with suitable example about OLEDB managed provider.

8. Describe about architecture of .NET Web service framework in detail.

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DOT NET Programming: Architecture of dotnet web service framework
Reference No:- TGS013524

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