
Architecture amp early childhood development candidate


Task: Drawing and Design

8 Drawings on Paper. 4 indoor environment. 4 outdoor environment. On site pictures will be provided in a link. Technical task Please. Don't apply if you can't sketch or draw on A4 paper. Architecture & Early Childhood Development candidate preferred. Submission required are scans of the 8 drawings. A few more details will be provided. See details on page 3 of attached and approve if you can. More support materials will be provided to supplement the task upon confirmation.

Please read thoroughly.

The text below is to provide additional information about assignment and address your questions. I am sure there will be updates during the coming weeks so stay tuned.

1. Where, when and in which group am I presenting?

o Your oral presentation date is in week 12 - the same date as the tutorial 6 in the learning guide - You will present in your normal tutorial room on the campus at which you attend..

o When we are all present we will break into 2 groups (Penrith and Parramatta) or 4 groups (Bankstown) and each group will go to the ends or the 4 corners of the room.

o Each person in the group will present their draft portfolio for 10 minutes to the other people in the group. They will talk about their brief for 3 to 4 minutes and then their designs and how they relate to the brief for 6 to 7 minutes.

o Katina and I (for Bankstown students or just Katina for other campuses) will go between two groups each so we will hear at least half of what each of you has to say. We don't need to hear every word as your group is your main audience. We will mark criteria 1 (see learning guide) based on your presentation.

o You do not need to be placed in a special schedule or with a specific small group - see above. That will be organised in the tutorial.

2. Who will mark my work?

o Katina and I will both be there to mark oral presentations for Bankstown students. As there are fewer students in the groups at Penrith and Parramatta, Katina will be marking these oral presentations without me.

o This process will give you feedback from the group you present to and also from myself or Katina. This is a great opportunity for you to hear suggestions and answer questions. You will also be able to take on board the feedback given and take your portfolio away and improve it before having to hand it in.

o You will then have until Friday 21 October at 5pm to hand in your portfolio.

o You will get your feedback within two weeks after this date.

3. How should I set out my portfolio?

First - Choose a target age group for your learning environment.

Your age group must be within 0 - 5 years; you can choose to focus on children aged 0 - 5 years or children aged 3 - 5 years, however you should not choose the age group of 0 - 2 years. Your drawings should be roughly to scale. Remember, you are designing an early childhood learning centre so don't be afraid to use lots of colour in your drawings.

As indicated in the learning guide, your portfolio needs to be:

- A3 Portrait Format (get one of these at Office Works) with at least 12 double blank pages.

- Your portfolio needs to contain:

- Inside the front cover: Your completed assignment cover sheet

- Page 1 (opposite inside front cover) Your contents page

- Pages 2 and 3: Your design brief - between 500 and 750 words - maximum 900 words. The difference in the word count is due to the number of words you use for the annotations of each drawing. If you have long annotations then you can have a shorter brief and vice versa.

- Your design brief needs to include the development/learning goals you have for the children (at least 4
goals). They can be the same goals for inside and outside.

- A description of your indoor and outdoor environment

- The theoretical and pedagogical philosophy that will guide your designs - this will be based on the learning goals you have for the children, be based on the readings and linked strongly to theories covered in this unit (Please see tutorial 6 slides which summarise the theories)

- The ways in which your designs will incorporate Indigenous perspectives, place-based perspectives, inclusiveness and sustainability learning, child nature relationships etc...

- Appreciation for the deep influence that space, place, time and nature have on the lived experience and identity of individual infants and children

- The types of engagement and learning that your environments will foster and the relationship to the design characteristics or elements.

You can type your brief and stick it on to the page. Your brief may not take up the two sides of the page. If it does not, that is ok - leave the remaining space blank.

Remaining word count - between 500 and 750 words are for annotations in the following drawings:

- Pages 4 and 5 - the overview drawing of your indoor environment - takes up both pages - both sides of the spine of the book. This includes the main room (for one group of children) and ancillary spaces that are just off but still part of the room such as kitchenette, nappy change area or cot room (if there is one in 2-5 year olds space you choose) and toilet facilities. Remember this big double page drawing is in a floor plan format (bird's eye view) and you need to use labels to identify the different spaces. You also need to annotate the key elements of your drawing so that we know why these spaces are there, how they link to the goals you have for the children (it may only be one or two of them) and what theories they relate to (citation only - not full references).

- Pages 6 and 7 - the overview drawing of your outside area - takes up both pages - both sides of the spine of the book. Remember this big double page drawing is also in a floor plan format (bird's eye view) and you need to use labels to identify the different spaces. You also need to annotate the key elements of your drawing so that we know why these spaces are there, how they link to the goals you have for the children (it may only be one or two of them) and what theories they relate to (citation only - not full references).

There are some examples of design mapping or rough design drawings, and also some example overview drawings in the final 2 pages of this document.

• From here you will have two sections - one for single page inside drawings and one for single page outside drawings. One of these sections will have 4 drawings for inside features or cameos and one will have 4 drawings for outside features or cameo drawings.

- Pages 8 and 9 - Cameo 1 of your inside space - a single page drawing. This is a featured part of your indoor space (a close up). It is in an upright elevation - as if you are looking at it standing up. You also need to label and annotate this drawing. You might only use one side -say page 8 for the drawing. Page 9 could be taken up with the annotations, samples of colours or swatches of material to demonstrate texture. You can include children in your drawings - these can be sourced from magazines, catalogues, the internet and / or photographs, or drawn as outlines. You can use images from magazines, catalogues, the internet and / or photographs to illustrate your concept. Ensure you reference all material from the internet, books or journal articles in the final references page at the end of the portfolio.

- Pages 10 and 11 - Repeat as above for cameo 2 of your inside space.
- Pages 12 and 13 - Repeat as above for cameo 3 of your inside space.
- Pages 14 and 15 - Repeat as above for cameo 4 of your inside space.

- Pages 16 and 17 - Cameo 1 of your outside space - a single page drawing. This is a featured part of your outdoor space (a close up). It is in an upright elevation - as if you are looking at it standing up. You also need to label and annotate this drawing. You might only use one side -say page 16 for the drawing. Page 17 might have a small patch of sand or fine gravel or meadow grass glued to the page to demonstrate texture and colour. You can include children in your drawings - these can be sourced from magazines, catalogues, the internet and / or photographs, or drawn as outlines. You can use images from magazines, catalogues, the internet and / or photographs to illustrate your concept. Ensure you reference all material from the internet, books or journal articles in the final references page at the end of the portfolio.

- Pages 18 and 19 - Repeat as above for cameo 2 of your outside space.
- Pages 20 and 21 - Repeat as above for cameo 3 of your outside space.
- Pages 22 and 23 - Repeat as above for cameo 4 of your outside space.

- Page 24 Reference List
- Next available page - The marking standards.

4. Where do I put my Final 4 Synopses for the field visits.

• These synopses can be stapled together and slipped inside the back cover of your portfolio.

I hope this covers all your questions. If not - put them on vUWS.

I know this looks like a lot of information. However, it is not much different to what is already in the learning guide - just a bit more specific about each page.

Katina and I are really looking forward to seeing your portfolios and I know you will be working hard on them for the next few weeks.

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Dissertation: Architecture amp early childhood development candidate
Reference No:- TGS01678089

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