Question 1)a) What is Data Warehousing? Give a brief explanation of the various warehouse schemas.
b) Explain the 4 basic OLAP operations with suitable example.
Question 2)a) What is Data Mining? Describe the different stages of Knowledge Discovery in Databases.
b) How is association rules mined from large databases? Write Apriori algorithm to discover all frequent itemsets from large databases.
Question 3)a) For the table given below find all frequent itemsets using the above algorithm. List all strong association rules with respect to one large frequent itemset (set containing max. number of elements). Let min_sup = 60% and min_conf=80%.

b) What are Bayesian Classifiers? Discuss Bayes Theorem for classification problems.
Question 4)a) What is a decision tree? Write the algorithm to generate a decision tree from the given training data.