
Approximately where is your market geographically local

Background information about business and customer base 30% Clear identification of product range: what does the business sell or supply?Clear identification of region of operation and customer base that addresses the following:· Where does the business operate· Who or what type of person will use your service?·

Approximately where is your market geographically (local, domestic, international)? (b) Background information about competitors20% Clear description of competitors that addresses the following:·

How many competitors do you have (i.e. how many other businesses are located near your chosen location likely to sell a similar product?·

How concentrated is the industry? (where possible provide estimates of the four-firm concentration ratio)· How easy is it to enter your industry (barriers like high fixed costs, legislation etc.)·

Is there much integration, R & D, advertising or cooperation between businesses operating in this industry?You are expected to provide an overview, analyse and describe a business you chosen from the tourism, hospitality leisure or sport sectors (word limit is 3000). You are expected to describe the type of business, customer base and the type of industry in which the organisation operates.

The project will be marked according to the criteria in the table below. The table will be used as a checklist, so please ensure that you attempt to answer each section.

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Other Subject: Approximately where is your market geographically local
Reference No:- TGS0640257

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