
Approximate sequence of development of mass media

Question 1:

Explain how the magic bullet theory two step flow theory and uses and gratifications theory diverge in explaining how the mass media influence their audience.

Question 2:

Explain the effects of mass media on public opinion by referring to agenda setting theory and spiral of silence theory. Give a brief overview of your answer with suitable examples.

Question 3:

Explain the early perspectives on society and media

a) The power of mass media

b) Communication and social change

c) The probable benefits of mass communication.

Question 4:

Describe why it is believed that the mass media are patriarchal societies. Give a brief overview of your answer with suitable examples.

Question 5:

Explain the approximate sequence of development of present day set of mass media starting from the print media to the new electronic media. Give a brief overview of your answer with suitable examples.

Question 6:

Describe the special authority of the electronic media. Give a brief overview of your answer with suitable examples.

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Other Subject: Approximate sequence of development of mass media
Reference No:- TGS06406

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