
Appropriateness of each marketing strategy

Order Description:

The topic should be about

The company is: Audi

The product is: A4

The target market is: Saudi Arabia

No need for the abstract, or conclusion, nor table of contents.


Locate recently published articles that discuss the development and application of marketing strategies relative to one or more of the 4 Ps by a company for one of its products (or services). After evaluating the firm’s current marketing strategies for this one product (or service), the graduate student will recommend marketing strategies he/she thinks the company should adopt, and justify these suggestions. Finally, the graduate student will prepare a detailed implementation plan for one of his/her recommended marketing strategies.

Articles chosen may come from any secondary source, including company websites, trade publications (e.g., Advertising Age), professional and/or academic journals (e.g., Journal of Marketing), professional magazines and newspapers (e.g., Business Week and Wall Street Journal), government publications, etc. These articles should have been published within the past two years.

Also, each CMT write-up should follow this outline: (percentage weight/importance of each section indicated in parentheses) the page numbers should go according to the percentages.

I. Brief Summary of Company and Product [1-page only, without history]

II. Identification and Evaluation of four Marketing Strategies Used [ page length should according to this percentage](4) pages

A. What specific marketing strategies were used?

B. Evaluate the appropriateness of each marketing strategy. [How effective was each strategy, the advantages and disadvantages for each strategy, strengths and weaknesses for each strategy, What was the companies justification for using this strategy, was the strategy successful or not and why?] [ Again the topic is about Audi, A4]

III. Four Recommended Marketing Strategies (not used by the company; new strategies) (35%) [page length should go with this percentage](6) pages

A. What specific marketing strategies would you recommend? And why do you recommend it?

1. NOTE: While “hire a Marketing consultant”, “conduct Marketing research”, etc. are viable recommendations in the real world, these suggestions will NOT be accepted in this course.

B. Why? Justify each recommended marketing strategy.

C. Provide details of each recommended marketing strategy. For example, if

“Advertise on TV” is recommended, what would be the purpose of the advertising (e.g., inform)? Who would be the target market? What type

1. of advertising would be used (e.g., direct competitive)? When would it take place( from what time to what time) the length of it? How long will it be? What budget do you recommend and why? At what channels will it be? Who will perform the advertisement? Etc.. [ Again the topic is about Audi, A4; and I will target Saudi Arabia] the same thing goes for the other new recommended marketing strategies.

IV. Implementation of ONE of the Recommended Marketing Strategies (6) pages

A. How would you specifically implement one of these marketing strategies?

2. Provide details of the implementation of this one recommended marketing strategy. For example, continuing the “Advertise on TV” recommendation from III.C., what would be the nature or contents of the advertisement itself? What percentage of the total promotion budget would be allocated to TV advertising? What TV channels would be used? On what TV shows would the ad appear? What days of the week and hours of the day would the ad air? How frequently would the ad be shown each month in a year’s time? In what geographical areas would the ad be aired ?What states and cities within the country? The full description of the advertisement, the words used, the person’s name, the full seen for the advertisement Etc. whom will it target? ( age, class, income, background, gender, educational background, their profession ETC) And why. .[ again the topic is about Audi, A4; and I will target Saudi Arabia]

V. References Cited

(1) you will be expected to provide more detail in terms of:

(a) Evaluation of appropriateness of each “Current” Marketing strategy (see II.B.)
(b) Justification of each “Recommended” Marketing strategy (see III.B.);
(c) Details of each “Recommended” Marketing strategy (see III.C.);
(d) Details of implementation of one recommended Marketing strategy (see IV.A.1).

(2) As stated, the percentage weight/importance of each section of CMTs is 5%, 25%, 35%, and 35% for Sections I, II, III, and IV, respectively. [NOTE: Seventy percent of CMT grade is associated with Section III (Recommended Marketing Strategies) and Section IV (Implementation of One Recommended Marketing Strategy).] Therefore, the number of pages for each section of your CMT write-up should correspond approximately to these percentages.

The paper must be typewritten, on only one side of 8 ½” by 11” paper, use 1” margins all around, and be free of grammatical and spelling errors.

Each of the CMT write-ups will be evaluated on the basis of quality and thoroughness of analysis; logical reasoning; organization; use of appropriate marketing and marketing strategy planning topics, concepts, and terms from the textbook; quality and relevancy of outside information used; quality and thoroughness of conclusions; quality, thoroughness, and applicability of recommended marketing strategies; quality, thoroughness, and applicability of implementation of one recommended marketing strategy; and quality of writing.

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Marketing Management: Appropriateness of each marketing strategy
Reference No:- TGS01435801

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