Question: Performance Appraisal, Employee Training, Employee Motivation, Emotions of power, Abuse of Power
1. At least 5 I/O topics are clearly identified, correctly defined, and information about what I/O psychology tells us about the topic (e.g., how it should be done, causes or effects) is presented.
2. Demonstrates understanding of topics and avoids over-reliance on direct quotations.
3. Appropriate examples are given for how each topic is portrayed in the film.
4. Author explains whether the movie/tv show demonstrated the topic correctly or incorrectly and why.
5. Author explains how the characters in the movie/tv show could apply I/O principles relevant to the 5 topics to improve employee performance, satisfaction and/or well-being.
Please answer the 5 questions in one paragraph for each i/o topics below
Performance Appraisal, Employee Training, Employee Motivation, Emotions of power, Abuse of Power