
Appraising and managing performance

Answer the following question related to chapter 7,8 and 9 within a word limit of 500 words each:

A.  READ Chapter 7, “Appraising and Managing Performance,”

Chapter Overview: An important function of effective management is accurate measurement of employee performance.  This chapter discusses the foundation, design, and implementation of performance measurement systems.  In addition, it describes the principles of effective performance management so that the reader will have an understanding of how to create a positive appraisal environment.

After reading this chapter, you must be able to deal more effectively with the following challenges:

Learn what is performance appraisal.

Have familiarity with challenges, to effective performance measurement.

Develop competence in managing performance.

B. READ Chapter 8, “Training the Workforce,”

Chapter Overview. Organizations face several questions with respect to training.  For example, they have to respond to "How can we effectively and efficiently deliver training to employees?" and "Should training programs cut across functional or craft lines?"  These and other questions are addressed in this chapter.  The chapter distinguishes between training and development.  The major challenges managers face in trying to improve workers' performance through training are also presented.  In addition, the chapter offers suggestions on managing the three phases of the training process, explores particular types of training, and considers ways to maximize and evaluate training's effectiveness.  The chapter closes with a discussion of new employee orientation.

After reading this chapter, you must be able to deal more effectively with the following challenges:

Have familiarity with key training issues.

Become aware of training versus development.

Recognize challenges in training.

Learn practices for managing the training process.

Become aware of a special case: orientation and socialization.

C. READ Chapter 9, “Developing Careers,”

Chapter Overview. This chapter focuses on the career development process.  First, career development is defined.  Second, the major managerial challenges related to career development are explored.  Approaches to assist managers in avoiding career development problems are presented as well.  Then, the chapter ends by addressing three special issues in career development: managerial development, development through the life cycle, and self-development.

After reading this chapter, you should be able to deal more effectively with the following challenges:

Know what is career development.

Have familiarity with challenges in career development.

Learn practices for meeting the challenges of effective development.Gain competencies in self-development.

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Other Management: Appraising and managing performance
Reference No:- TGS01765168

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