appointment by directorsthe company first


The company first auditors of may be appointed through the directors at any time before the first annual general meeting, and auditors so appointed shall hold office until the conclusion of that meeting.

In default of appointment of the first auditors by directors the company may do so.  Whenever the directors have appointed the first auditors, the company may "at a general meeting remove such auditors and appoint in their place any other persons who have been nominated for appointment by any member of the company.  A nomination notice of to be given to the members at least FOURTEEN DAYS earliar the date of the meeting.

Appointment By Registrar:

"Where at an annual general meeting no auditors are appointed or are deemed to be reappointed, the Registrar may appoint a person to fill the vacancy" (S.159 (3).

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Business Law and Ethics: appointment by directorsthe company first
Reference No:- TGS0180270

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