
Applying the concept of performativity to aspects of human

1. Applying the concept of performativity to aspects of human identity such as gender allows us to recognize that gender is an essential, unchanging quality of individuals.

True or False

2. Despite cultural differences, it remains clear that the association of polite and conciliatory verbal behavior with women and aggressive and angry verbal behavior with men is valid across cultures.

True or False

3. Love-letter writing in Junigau, Nepal resulted in a transformation of marriage practices there

True or False

4. Autonomous approach to literacy treats literacy as independent of social context

True or False

5. Ahearn argues that even though many events such as Tij songfest in Junigau or the use of highly sexualized jokes by Mexican American men in Texas may seem full of paradoxes, ultimately, they have one correct interpretation.

True or False

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Reference No:- TGS0782403

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