"Applying the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership to My Leadership of a Criminal Justice Organization." In what specific areas of your criminal justice agency can you employ specific by [John Maxwell 21 irrefutable laws of leadership] law of influence, law of respect, law of intuition, law of empowerment, law of priorities, law of sacrifice to improve your leadership and management of the organization. How will the implementation of these laws help you better serve your organization and become a more engaged leader. You may need to address your current leadership strengths and weaknesses to achieve this assignment. "Applying the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership to My Life." In what specific areas of your life can you employ specific [John Maxwell 21 irrefutable laws of leadership] law of legacy, law of law of victory, law of connection, law of process, law of lid to improve your leadership and management. How will the implementation of these laws into your personal life prepare your to one day manage a criminal justice organization. You will need to address your current leadership strengths and weaknesses.