
Applying ei to change the culture of patient safety

Assignment task: Review chapter in our textbook

Applying EI To Change The Culture Of Patient Safety

Changing a culture prone to medical error is one of the most difficult obstacles to improving patient safety. In the traditional safety culture, blame and judgment undermine reporting and systems improvement. A "fix-the-problem-not-the-blame" approach is at least articulated if not operationalized in most healthcare organizations.

However, simply identifying risk management and quality improvement as a no-blame system is not enough to change a culture deeply ingrained in healthcare providers. The EIPS model may offer a way to change the blame culture (see Figure 13.5). For example, in the story presented, several clinical culture issues predisposed the unit to the error. Using Reason's model, the culture created holes that made the flow from error to patient harm more likely, especially with the new employee orientation to the clinical unit.

EI/Patient Safety (EIPS) Model.

In this model, good communication skills improve EI skills and good EI skills improve communication. These two skill sets are in a positive feedback loop. If communication skills are poor, EI abilities can improve them. If communication is poor, safety is compromised, but as EI ability improves communication, this negative influence is mitigated via EI abilities.

 Using the EIPS Model, diagram a patient safety procedure on your unit [in other words- YOUR CURRENT PLACE OF WORK] that has an emotional or interpersonal "hole" in it.

Describe how one EI ability could be used to ameliorate that hole.

Submit the diagram of the problem from your place of work and the paper: which must be minimally 2 pages with an introduction and a conclusion. Please adhere to APA format to include headings within your paper- ensure you label your diagram correctly. Review Reference count requirement.

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Other Subject: Applying ei to change the culture of patient safety
Reference No:- TGS03431396

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