
Applying business-to-business marketing concepts


Power Point: Applying Business-to-Business Marketing Concepts

For the Final Project, you will compile a Power Point presentation discussing topics learned in this course. This should minimally include the following concepts:

1. Differentiate between B2B and B2C marketing including an analysis of several strategic marketing B2B models.

2. Examine the importance of CRM within the B2B organization.

3. Discuss the organizational buying complexities of a B2B sales cycle.

4. Analyze how B2B marketer might use each of the elements of the marketing mix to effectively market their products.

5. Explain the importance of e-commerce within the B2B organization.

6. Explain how global competition will impact B2B marketing.

7. Describe how B2B marketing ethics might be different than B2C marketing ethics.

Your Power Point length must be a minimum of 13 to 15 slides, not including the title slide and reference slide. Use of speaker notes is required as well. All sources used, including the textbook must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

Course Textbook

Hutt, M.D., & Speh, T.W. (2013). Business marketing management: B2B (11th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western.

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Business Management: Applying business-to-business marketing concepts
Reference No:- TGS01833520

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