Applying a theory of your choice to a real-world


1 Very briefly, identify two important reasons health care was considered a critical area for policy reform in 2010

2 Select one item from the Affordable Care Act timeline on the KFF site from a prior year (before now) that has gone into effect. Describe briefly what that item is and what its purpose is.


Applying a theory of your choice to a real-world underserved population using Storify. Storify is a social network service that lets the user create stories or timelines using social media such as Twitter, Fa The goal of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to articulate how a theory of your choosing can be applied to a real-world underserved population or problem of interest (Mitchell, 2010).

Storify is a website that allows individuals to create a digital story on any topic using an integrated social media search engine to locate sources such as tweets, blog posts, YouTube videos, and Google images.

This story can then be published publicly and shared on other social media platforms. Note: All Storifys are PUBLIC and available for the WORLD to view (until removed) on the free account. Do not communicate private or sensitive information in your Storify.

You will need to create a Twitter account as part of this assignment.

Assignment Instructions and Rubric

Submit the link to your Storify and the written narrative 24 hours before Week 10 live session.

To submit your work, please navigate to the Coursework section. Navigate to the "Assignment Uploads and Grading Pages" unit at the top of the coursework outline to find the appropriate submission page.

You will each create a Storify addressing the real-world application of a theory of your choosing from the course consisting of a diverse collection of at least 20 media sources. These sources may include but are not limited to tweets, videos, newspaper/online news articles, websites, blogs, and pictures to be accompanied by a written narrative within Storify on how these digital artifacts demonstrate a critical application of the chosen theory to the chosen issue.

• See link for a student description of this project:

• Using Storify in the Classroom: A Student's Perspective From Natalie Savoy

• Student examples:

• Woman First, Athlete Second

• Walking the Tightrope of Motherhood

• Opening Our Eyes to the Truth About Older Adult Abuse by Melissa Stumpocebook and Instagram.

Attachment:- storifytipsandtricks.rar

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English: Applying a theory of your choice to a real-world
Reference No:- TGS02228797

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