Apply what you have learned in the course to a product or service of your choosing. You are essentially going to analyze the current marketing strategy and implementation for a product/service and make recommendations for how it should be changed (unless you think it is perfect already, which is highly unlikely).
Choose a product or service you would like to analyze. For small companies, you may not be able to distinguish the product from the company.
- The first part of the paper should provide a brief background of the company and a description of the product/service and its major competition.
- The second part of the paper is descriptive. I would like you to describe the product's current marketing strategy (objectives, target segment(s), value proposition) and implementation (marketing mix).
- The third part of the paper is diagnostic. I would like you to evaluate the product's current marketing strategy and implementation. Use any criteria you feel are appropriate, but at least one should be the "consistency" of the strategy/marketing mix.
- The fourth part of the paper is prescriptive. Based on your evaluation, I would like you to make recommendations for "fixing" the problems you found.