
Apply the various quality planning and analysis tools and

This assignment consists of a number of tasks (parts) and has been designed with the aim of providing students a practical case where they could apply the various quality (planning and analysis) tools and techniques covered in this subject.

As the topic of your assignment, you are free to choose one of the following options:

a) Design and production of a PRODUCT (e.g. household devices, electronic devices, clothing and shoes, transportation equipment, etc.),

b) Design and provision of a SERVICE (e.g. traveling, education, hospitality, healthcare, etc.) or

c) Design and completion of a WORK (e.g. constructing a house, bridge or road, etc.)

You do not require an approval from the subject coordinator regarding your assignment topic. There is no preference set by the subject coordinator for any topic. It is entirely up to you.

The information/data you are going to use in your assignment does not need to be real and could be fictitious (completely made up). However, it should be realistic and related to your chosen topic.

Reporting Contents - tips and guidance

Some tips:
In most sections, guidelines have already been provided in your actual Assignment. In addition, you may choose to elaborate further using the following writing technique:

1. Why (purpose for this step),

2. What (define, boundaries/scope),

3. How (elaborate about the methods/processes used & its application to your context),

4. So what (Analysis & Findings/Discussion about outcomes, what it means from a Quality product/service management or Quality operations perspective, Implications/Benefits/Value).
Using the literature

Use the literature and theories (remember to cite and reference the literature used) to:
- frame a topic section,
- compare and/or contrast
- support your arguments/recommendations,
- explain why you have selected the particular approach(s) or process(es) in your report.

Content structure or outline

Depending on the practical context that you have selected for your assignment, the structure of the contents below may be adapted accordingly to fit with the needs of your selected context (product, service or work-based) or industry scenario.

A sample outline of a report (Note: Sample only - your reporting content may differ, depending on the topic you select for your assignment)

1.0 Executive Summary

2.0 Introduction
  2.1 Background (context, problems)
  2.2 Purpose (reason for this report)
  2.3 Scope (what it will and will not cover)
  2.4 Aims/objectives (what this plan aims to deliver and achieve)

3.0 Customer Satisfaction
  3.1 Stakeholder Analysis
  3.2 Capturing Customer Needs
  3.3 Customer Needs Analysis (Kano Analysis)

4.0 Design Requirements
  4.1 Translating Customer Needs into Design Requirements (QFD)
  4.2 Design Risk Analysis (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis)

5.0 Supplier Selection and Evaluation
  5.1 Identifying Components
  5.2 Developing Supplier Selection Criteria
  5.3 Constructing and Using a Supplier Selection System
  5.4 Supplier Evaluation Report

6.0 Statistical Process Control (SPC)
  6.1 Identifying Processes
  6.2 Monitoring Processes using SPC Charts
  6.3 Constructing and Using a SPC Chart

7.0 Problem Solving
  7.1 Identifying Problems and Problem-Solving Tools
  7.2 Constructing and Using Problem Solving Tools

8.0 Conclusions

9.0 References (Harvard UTS Referencing Style)

Help with assignment writing

- Structure and argument - that your writing is logically organised with well- developed and well-supported arguments.
- Style and expression - that your choice of vocabulary is appropriate, sentences are well constructed, ideas are clearly introduced, and paragraphs are fully developed.
- Grammar - that your issues are identified and explained so you can learn from your mistakes and avoid making them in the future.

Drop-in at UTS HELPS Office (CB01.05.25) may cover:

- understanding an assignment question and the assessment criteria
- clarifying an assignment type (e.g. what's a literature review?)
- planning an assignment
- offering strategies for effective reading/note-making/presentation
- obtaining information on self-study resources.
Typical requirements for writing a report

Two cover pages (UTS assign cover page and report cover page)
- A table of contents
- A list of tables, figures, abbreviations, etc.
- Appropriate title for figures, tables, etc.
- Appropriate numbering of pages, figures, tables
- Paraphrasing, quotation, referencing, etc. must use the Harvard UTS Style.
- A list of references (minimum two references)
- Appendix (if needed)
- Font type and size: Arial, 12 or 14 (preferred but other font types acceptable)
- Line spacing: 1.0 or 1.5
- Page size is defined for each task in the assignment document.
- Total report size is determined by the recommended number of pages for
- each task.
- No penalty will be applied, if the actual size is slightly over or under the limit.
- File format: MS Word DOC file format only. No PDF or other formats will be
- accepted.
- For tables and graphs use MS Excel and directly insert into MS Word
- Text, table, graph, etc. must not be converted into pictures (e.g. through scanning or other means of manipulation) as the Turnitin software cannot read pictures.
- If you are using a picture, illustration, diagram, figure, photo or table from another source, you must cite that source.

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Civil Engineering: Apply the various quality planning and analysis tools and
Reference No:- TGS02760688

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