Assignment task: Staffing Justification Email
Competency: Apply principles of professional identity and professionalism.
You are making a staffing assignment knowing that you are short staffed. You have five registered nurses (RNs), two licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and two nursing assistants. Those nine employees need to provide a 12-hour shift of services to 30 numbers of clients with a high acuity required to a ratio of nurse to client at 1:3.
Client acuity level
o Six acuity level 1
o Eight acuity level 2
o Nine acuity level 3
o Seven acuity level 4
You will use the acuity-based staffing model to develop the staffing assignment based on the needs of the clients and a template has been created to use (see resources below).
As you create this assignment, include the following in an email to your manager to justify your short staffing plan:
1. Complete the staffing assignment based on the acuity level.
2. Defend how you would direct the staff to their assigned roles for this shift and provide a rationale for the staffing assignment.
3. Describe how you would communicate with each level of care provider to assure the best outcomes possible. Looking for Assignment Help?
4. Address how you would assure client equity in the delivery of services.
5. Reflect on how you, as a nursing leader, created the staffing assignment based on your core professional values.
6. Describe your professional identity characteristics that supported your decision for the staffing assignment.
7. Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar.