
Apply pestle in general then give a brief overview of the

Prepare a management report of 4,000 words* on an organization - Wendy's. (Food and beverage service organization).

• The report should assess the impact of external business environmental factors on the organization and evaluate the organization's position and responses.

• In the case of a large organization it is permissible to confine your report to part of the organization. An organization's activities may range beyond the designated industrial sector in which case the focus of this report must be on the organization's activities within the designated sector.

• The word limit does not include the executive summary, organization profile, tables, diagrams, appendices or references. (Include a word count on the title page.)

• Complete Task 1 (target 1,200 words) and Task 2 (target 2,600 words).

• The company in Task 1 and Task 2 must be same company.The sources of information and evidence using the Harvard referencing system.

• Know the theme at Task 2 before start.

Contemporary Developments in Business and Management


Task 1(target 1,200 words)

Apply "PESTLE" in general, then give a brief overview of the primary external influences to which the organization is subject and briefly explain the particular importance of each to the organization. This first task should contribute no more than one third of your overall report.

Task 2(target 2,600 words)

Choose from a) International regional integrationtheme or b) The increasing global importance of ‘newly-developing countries' excluding Chinathem, then apply "PESTLE" in specific.

In relation to the chosen theme

i. analyse its relevance to your chosen organization and how it influences policies and decision-making within your chosen organization or industry-sector.

ii. critically evaluate the effectiveness of the organization's response.

iii. (if possible and appropriate) demonstrate some areas for improvement in the response of the organization.

Guidance notes:
The company in Task 1 and Task 2 must be same company. The sources of information and evidence using the Harvard referencing system.

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Project Management: Apply pestle in general then give a brief overview of the
Reference No:- TGS01701191

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