
Apply ethical decision-making model to the case study

Case Study:

Audrey is a 28-year-old licensed professional counselor who has a new client, Larry. Larry's wife of 40 years recently died. Larry thought he was adjusting well to his wife's death, but thoughts of missing her have kept him awake at night. Larry has also lost about 25 pounds in the 2 months following his wife's death. During the course of their third session, Larry breaks into tears after describing how much he loved his wife. Audrey believes she understands Larry's grief because she saw the way her grand- father grieved her grandmother's death. She recalls that her grandfather appreciated the comfort provided by his family members' hugs. As she observes Larry sobbing on the couch she wonders if it would be helpful to Larry if she offered him a hug.

Audrey will have to resolve a number of ethical issues before she offers to provide Larry with some form of physical comfort. First, Audrey is uncertain about whether providing physical comfort would be harmful or helpful. The ACA Code of Ethics (Standard A.5.d.; ACA, 2005) requires that counselors conduct the equivalent of a risk-benefit analysis to determine whether the benefits outweigh the risks. In this case example, Audrey has not anticipated this situation and has not conducted such an analysis. Second, Audrey needs to consider client autonomy. Larry needs to provide Audrey with informed consent to this interaction. This informed consent should have been obtained earlier. It could be argued that Larry's emotional state could impair his judgment and lead him to agree to an interaction that may later cause Larry some confusion or distress.

1. Briefly summarize the case study in the article.

2. Apply each of the five ethical principles (nonmaleficence, beneficence, autonomy, fidelity, and justice) to your selected case study.

3. Apply one ethical decision-making model to the case study you selected.

You can choose the ETHICS model, the PLUS model, rational model, virtue ethics model, social constructivism model, collaborative model, integrative model, or transcultural integrative model. These models are all referenced in this week's reading. Use one of these models to reach a decision on offering touch to the client for the selected case study. Share each step of the model and your rationale for the decision to incorporate touch or to not incorporate touch.

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