
Apply analytical thought to a range of knowledge and tasks


Apply analytical thought to a range of knowledge and tasks in accounting and finance, and do so with a minimum of external guidance in particular situations.

Knowledge and Understanding of the Subject;-

Factual and conceptual knowledge and understanding; use of class materials; independent reading

Cognitive / intellectual skills ;-

Critical thinking; conceptualisation; creativity; synthesis, analysis and evaluation; application; problem-solving and research/investigation

Graduate - Transferable, Employability and Practical Skills :-

Written, oral and presentation skills; interpersonal, group and teamwork skills; leadership skills; numeracy; digital skills; practical, professional and academic skills (including referencing/presentation)

The work should be professionally presented with correct Harvard style referencing.

Assignment Task:

Task 1

• Explain different factors which are the determinants of market structures. (300 words)

• Discuss different types of market structures and provide a chart showing fixing of price, for any product, in a perfect competitive market. (450 words)

Task 2

• Three organisational structures (400 words)
• Comparison of three structures (350 words)
(Organisational structures: hierarchy v flat,
Tall/with less layers)
Comparison of scalar chain and span of control
• Unity of command/many commands
• Span of control small/many under one boss
o Clear communication/communication flows from different channels

• Organisational structures: flat v matrix structure
o One superior has many subordinates/complex relation ship
o Clear lines of communication/no clear line of communication
o Authorities and responsibilities limited/unlimited authority and responsibilities.
o Functional type of organisation/web type of organisation

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Dissertation: Apply analytical thought to a range of knowledge and tasks
Reference No:- TGS01671554

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