
Applied business research - direct search of published

Applied Business Research

Choose one business affected by the fluctuations in the Australian dollar. You have to relate it with business. stay in the context of business decisions, not economic theory. Address the issues follow the outline structure

Task: Write a Research Proposal

This assessment requires students to choose one business researched in Assessment 2 then to choose and justify the most appropriate research design, clearly explaining WHY the chosen design will best answer the research question and is the most appropriate. Students should clearly justify their recommended research and analysis methods of research.


Choose one business affected by the fluctuations in the Australian dollar that you researched. You are now going to write a researchproposal for this businessto gather further information.

Your research proposal should contain the following information.

1. Title page: Include a short title plus your name and student number.

2. Current situation: A brief summary of the current situation of your chosen business, why research Is required and what the research is about. It must be clear, succinct and understandable to all readers.

3. The Research problem: Discusses the problem or question the researchproject seeks to answer and how the research contributes to its clarification. This section should include 3 hypothesis questions and 6 research questions that will be addressed

4. Background: This section clarifies the significance of the research and describes the broader historical, economic and social background (refer to Assessment 2 for information) plus research on your chosen business.

5. Ethical considerations: Relevant ethical considerationsshould be included.

6. Literary Review: A direct search of published works including periodical and books that discuss and present results relevant to your business problem. (a minimum of 6).

7. Aims/Objectives of the Research: A formal statement on the research objectives. This statement identifies the types of research that are needed and what information may result to provide assistance in making management decisions.

8. Research design.(methodology/methods - qualitative and quantitative) Describe the research methodology and method/s that are proposed and fully justify their use. It will include data collection and analysis proposed.

9. Reference List: Formatted using Harvard (Anglia) style.

10. Appendices: Include a consent form if relevant (optional)
Proposal Format
The report must be professionally written using:
Headings and subheadings
Ariel 10 point or Times Roman 12 point plus single spacing
Harvard (Anglia) style reference

Plagiarism and Referencing

All sources used in your assessment must be suitably referenced. Failure to acknowledge a source is plagiarism and is a serious academic issue.

The following percentage of plagiarism is acceptable in your report:
10% from text or slides ) these must be referenced
15% from other sources ) Total 25%

If your plagiarism figure shown in Turnitin is about 25% you will receive a mark of 0 (Zero) for your assessment.

You must submit your own work. Do not copy other student's work as this is a form of Plagiarism. If it is shown on Turnitin that you have copied another student's work, both students will be given a mark of 0 (Zero).

Oral Presentation
Students must present their proposal to the class as if the audience had the authority to grant approval for the research to ‘go ahead'.

The presentation should contain 8-10 slides. Timing of each presentation is 5 minutes including questions.
Each slide should have no more than 5 points

All presentations should be supported by visuals.

Students mustnot read sections of their proposal - students reading rather than presenting will find it difficult to pass this section of the assessment.

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Project Management: Applied business research - direct search of published
Reference No:- TGS02691423

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