
applications of transgenic animalscurrent

Applications of transgenic animals

Current applications of gene transfer in farm animals include the improvement of product quality and quantity, disease resistance, the production of valuable proteins in the mammary gland or other organs (bio harming), the genetic modification of pigs for xenotransplantation and the generation of new animal models in cases where rodent models are not sufficient for studying the problem under evaluation. Pigs containing human genes in their cells have been produced with the eventual aim of providing organs for patients who require a transplant. Under normal circumstances, an organ transplant from an animal would be rejected by a patient's immune system, as cells of animal organ are detected as foreign or non-human and are destroyed. Transgenic farm animals that have been produced include cows that produce more milk, sheep that produce more wool and fish, which can grow bigger or can survive in colder temperatures than normal.

Applications -

1. Animal Pharming

2. Animal disease model

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Biology: applications of transgenic animalscurrent
Reference No:- TGS0160535

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