
Applications of halophilic bacteria in salt purification

1)a) Write down the methods to prevent disease in fish.

b) Explain the isolation and cultivation of microbes from their inverteberate hosts in detail.

2)a) Describe antibiotics and medicines found from marine microbes.

b) What do you mean by probiotics?

3) Explain in detail about etiology, clinical complications and treatment of osteoporosis and Alzeimers disease?

4)a) What are the significance of chitin and chitosan.

b) What are marine flavorants? Describe in detail.

5)a) What are antifouling compounds? Describe in detail.

b) Write down the applications of halophilic bacteria in salt purification.

6)a) Describe the methods of bioremediation

b) Write a detailed note on viral therapy

7) Explain genetically engineered Marine organism and write doan its advantages and disadvantages.

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Biology: Applications of halophilic bacteria in salt purification
Reference No:- TGS013063

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