Applications of holography
1. Holography is used in the non-destructive tests by interferometic methods. In this method called double exposure holographic interferometry, the object under study is recorded photographic place using reference beam and object beam, Then without changing object is position a stress is applied on the object. Then deformed object is recorded on the same hologram with the same reference beam. A quantitative hologram with the same of the fringe patterns give information of the deformation in different parts of the object.
2. Holography Interferometry is the standard technique to study the quality of aircraft tyres and other high performing components of the aircrafts.
3. A hologram is designed to function as a lens. In military aircrafts it is often not possible for a pilot to look at the control panels in the midst of a battle. It would be convenient if the panels in the midst of a battle. It would be convenient if the panels are projected in front of him. If a lens is used, then the focal length of the lens must be very large. However, holographic lenses can project image of the control panel in air in front of the pilot and thereby helping him to see control panels without destraction.
4. In addition interferometry is used in compact discs, CD ROMs, Super market Scanners and other consumer electronic industries.