1) Write down the different traction systems you know.
2) Explain merits and demerits of steam engine drive.
3) Write down the different systems of railway electrification.
4) Write down the merits and demerits of D.C system of track electrification.
5) What are the functions of a D.C. substation? Write down different current collection systems?
6)(a) Describe the principle of street lighting? Illustrate different kinds of lighting with neat Sketches.
(b) Describe about Diffusion principle of street lighting in detail.
7)(a) Describe basic principle of electrolytic process and explain briefly some of its applications.
(b) State and describe “Current efficiency”, “Voltage required” and “Energy efficiency” When referred to electrolytic processes.
8) Describe electrodepositing processes and explain clearly different factors governing Electrodepositing processes.
9) Explain the process of extraction of metals. Describe how zinc and aluminum are extracted from their ores.
10)(a) Describe how chemicals are manufactured using electrolytic processes in detail.
(b) Expalin briefly electric power supplies for different electrolytic processes in detail.