
Application to trace network using ospf

A   Network  of  routers  have  been  configured  for  the  purposes  of  handling  data traffic within your company. You  will  like  to have an application which  does a network trace on the length of time it  takes to traverse routers between workstation nodes using an open shortest path first (OSPF) algorithm as a  variation  (i)  A* functionality  (ii) best first  search (iii) greedy search.  Your  application must simulate a  total  of  up to  14  network nodes with  the  routing  features  between  these  nodes.   The  network  tracer  application program  is to  be  updated  with  all  the  legitimate  travel  paths  to move  between  node locations. This  travel path  data is  stored  in  a  mathematical analysis application  called  a  djistrika matrix that  can  be  represented programmatically  as  set of  multidimensional arrays or  files/link list  structures. Every time a path becomes  unreachable for  a  chosen  network destination  path, the  graph  path and  nodes  are colored in  red( i.e. graph coloring  technique). Paths with  the higher  f(n)  values  are  ranked  and colored  orange  , to  signal  to  the   network tracer  of  impending  delays on  a  given   path.   The  nodes  on  a  tracer  path  are  used  to  identify distinct  network  nodes  . Start and End nodes are uniquely colored on the graph paths. Each  router  in your network  node  has  its own  computable  heuristic or Time  Series  value  as  in the  case  of  say  cisco router.

The  automated network tracer  must  also have the  extended programming simulated functionalities of   using  a  menu  selection  of   a (i)  Depth  First  Search  Traversal  (ii) And a  Breadth First  Search  Traversal  ,  to  choose  travel  paths  between  a  start  and  end  network  nodes.  Within  each  search  technique , the tracer  may  choose  to  take  a  Euler  or  Hamiltonian circuit  to  complete  the  traversal of  the  arterial network  graph.

On  each  travel  path(i.e. graph  edge) and  at each vertex, a hop count of all nodes visited is  stored  in  a  routing database server  configuration table as managed  by the network tracer  application.  Let’s  suppose that  the hop  counter  path is  determined  by  simulated data of the total  node traversals  or an  approximate estimate thereof.  Therefore  the Tracer  must  be  able  to  make  the  decision to  send  data  over  the  network  node based on statistical preferences of the size  of  the  hop counts  and/or heuristics  on  those portions of  the network  graph.  Rules  for  node  traversals  and  what  constitute a node  route  with  high  traffic  versus low  traffic  would  have  to  be  provided  by  your  programming  assumptions.       


 1. Do  you  believe that  weight values  on  the edges of  the  network node, can be  used  to  extend  the network  tracer , as  a data  mining  application?  Describe  with  example  your answer.[Hint : For e.g. can your network tracer keep track of how many  times a particular network node was visited , as  a set of  high ,low , and median frequency values . This concept turns the network tracer into an application that can affect behavioural patterns within network nodes). Make your assumptions very clear.

Code Assumptions to Note     

1. Make sure  your  application  supports  useful  data  structures  in  the  forms of  binary trees, and  binary  search  trees. Use of breadth first, depth first, Euler and Hamiltonian cycles.

2. You  should  select  the   programming  based  language  of  your  choice  which  adequately  achieves  the  assignment  outcomes with great  user interface functionality as  best  as  possible.

3. Review  of  discrete  mathematic  concepts  and  techniques  are  assumed  to  be  well  understood  for  your  applied solutions.

4. Select any programming language appropriate to achieve the desired outcomes.

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Programming Languages: Application to trace network using ospf
Reference No:- TGS01037

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