
Application of theory incorrect or poor interpretation


Managing Organisational Behaviour

Understanding and interpretation of assignment question: Inadequate understanding & interpretation of questions/ misconception of the questions Very basic understanding of the questions Sufficient/satisfactory understanding and interpretation of questions Very good understanding and interpretation of the questions Unequivocal understanding and interpretation of questions.

Critical analysis No evidence of critical analysis Response relies on restating major themes from sources; little evidence of critical analysis Some evidence of critical analysis Critical analysis of sources/ critical appraisal of evidence and sources Highly developed critical analysis and assessment of sources

Research Insufficient research/very limited sources/ sources used but not appropriate or relevant to the issue being discussed Limited research on the relevant themes/ minimal effort to obtain original material evident/ relies on restating major themes from sources Sufficient research is displayed on relevant themes/ evidence that original material obtained but little depth Thorough research on the topic/ evidence of both original material and good effort to obtain relevant theoretical information Display broad and in-depth research of the topic/ original material is the result of in depth investigation

Interpretation and application of theory Incorrect or poor interpretation and application of theory Marginal interpretation and application of theories Adequate interpretation and application of theories Clear and appropriate interpretation and application of theory Excellent interpretation and application theories.


Written expression


Academic referencing Poorly presented; Gross spelling & grammatical errors; No structure/no evidence of structure; Incorrect referencing Average presentation of assignment; Basic understanding of rules of grammar however spelling and syntax, errors still occur; Some evidence of structure and progression in argument. Basic academic referencing Well-presented assignment; Some evidence of fluency in writing, Sufficient structuring although internal problems may still be evident; Satisfactory level of referencing yet inconsistencies in referencing exist Very good presentation; Clear and fluent writing/ clear structuring of ideas and paragraphing; Good structure; Very good referencing; Excellent presentation; Well-constructed and crafted piece of work; a pleasure to read/ Excellent structure/Excellent and correct referencing throughout the assignment

Evaluator's comments:


Type your 500 word scenario here

Write in well-constructed paragraphs. Make sure you delete these sentences before you submit your assignment. Make sure also that you type your answer in 1.5 line spacing and justified - just as they appear in this sample of writing.

Tips about the word count: Tasks (1) and (2) have a combined word limit of 2,000 words (excluding the list of references). Plus, the table of recommendations (task 3) cannot exceed 2 pages. You will notice that this template already contains over 400 words in instructions and tips which you need to delete before you submit. The evaluator's sheet upfront contains 460 words: so you need to subtract these from your word count showing at the bottom of the screen.

Direct quotes are not counted - but I strongly advise you to use few - if any. If used a direct quote must also be discussed in your own words (so don't think you can save word count using them!). The in-text citation information (author, date) is included in the word count.


Type your 1,500 word analysis of the scenario here. Use three sub-headings to reflect the three main themes (ie: motivation; group dynamics; and communication)

A formal essay response is not required (that is, there is no need to write an introduction and conclusion) but you must present your answer in well-constructed paragraphs. Make sure you delete these sentences before you submit your assignment. Make sure also that you type your answer in 1.5 line spacing and justified - just as they appear in this sample of writing.


Insert your 1 to 2 page table of recommendations here....

Make sure you delete these sentences before you submit your assignment. Unlike the rest of the assignment, this table should be presented in single line spacing.

List of References

Insert a list of references on this page.

Make sure you delete these sentences before you submit your assignment:

Remember to list your entries in alphabetical order according to the author of the article or if the author is not known, the organisation responsible for the publication.

Make sure you use Harvard AGPS style throughout your answer and in your list of references. You can look up how to do this on the USQ library website. The following link will take you to the referencing guide on the library website: https://www.usq.edu.au/library/referencing/harvard-agps-referencing-guide

Note how these sentences are presented single line space, unjustified, with a single line between each one. This is how you present your entries in the list of references.

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Strategic Management: Application of theory incorrect or poor interpretation
Reference No:- TGS03040066

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