
Application of the social cognitive theory


Identifying at least 1 strength and 1 weakness in their application of the Social Cognitive Theory. Reply with at least 300 words to other classmates' threads. Answer must follow current APA format, including in-text citations and 2 references.

Social Cognitive Theory

The key focus this week was on the Social Cognitive Theory. Schunk (2016) states that the, "social cognitive theory stresses the idea that much human learning occurs in a social environment; by observing others, people acquire knowledge, rules, skills, strategies, beliefs, and attitudes" (p. 117). One way in which the Social Cognitive Theory can be implemented in the classroom is through use of the modeling technique. In this technique, the teacher walks through the assignment and simulates how it should be appropriately completed (Schunk, 2016).

By the teacher employing this strategy, the students develop a better understanding of what is expected of them and how to successfully complete the assignment at hand. Another way in which the Social Cognitive Theory can be implemented in the classroom is through observational learning. "Observational learning through modeling occurs when observers display new patterns of behavior that, prior to exposure to the modeled behaviors, have a zero probability of occurrence even when motivation is high" (Schunk, 2016, p.125). Based on the information that was presented in the text, the Social Cognitive Theory plays a very important role in the classroom.

An example of a teaching experience that I have encountered that could have benefited from the Social Cognitive Theory was when I introduced my students to "quick writes". I teach two sections of a Language Arts 9th-12th grade course. In this course, I typically have my students begin their day with a "quick write". A Biblical view of knowledge requires that students learn through a personal response (Van Brummelen, 2002). A "quick write" give my students the opportunity to do so and reflect on their learning.

To complete a "quick write" my students are to write five to seven sentences on a given prompt; the prompt differs from day to day. I feel like my students would have had a better understanding had I introduced a specific goal to them for their daily "quick write" at the beginning of the year. Schunk (2016) states, "As students work on a task, they note their progress toward their learning goals; such progress indicators convey to students that they are capable of performing well and enhance their self-efficacy for continued learning" (p. 119).

This would have given the students more purpose to the "quick writes" and increased their desire to perform better. Another way I could have ensured that my students had a better understanding of the daily "quick write" is by utilizing cognitive modeling in an example of how the "quick writes" should be completed.

This would have given the students an example of how a typical "quick write" should be completed by me showing them an example of how I would complete a quick write according to the requirements. After reading this chapter, the benefits of implementing the Social Cognitive Theory within the classroom are extremely constructive to the students.

I believe the Bible supports the use of the Social Cognitive Theory within the classroom. A verse that stuck out to me when reflecting on this theory was Proverbs 10:17 (English Standard Version), "Whoever heeds instruction is on the path to life, but he who rejects reproof leads others astray". To me this verse supports the use of the cognitive modeling technique within the classroom because it encourages students to listen to the instruction provided by the teacher.

Through the use of modeling, the teacher is specifically showing the students how to complete an assignment or task that they will have to complete as well. If the students listen and follow along, they will be more likely to achieve success; however, if the students do not listen or follow along, it will encourage others to not listen or follow along which will ultimately lead the students to be less likely to achieve success.


Schunk, D. H. (2016). Learning theories: An educational perspective (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Van Brummelen, H. (2002). Steppingstones to curriculum: A biblical path (2nd ed.). Colorado Springs, CO: Purposeful Design.

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