
Application of second law of thermodynamics

Question 1: What is the basic difference between heat engine, heat pump and refrigerator?

Question 2: Describe the statements and importance of second law of thermodynamics and corollaries.

Question 3: In brief describe about Carnot cycle and its limitations.

Question 4: What do you mean by the term PMM-2? Why it is not possible?

Question 5: An inventor claims to have developed an engine which takes in 105 MJ at a temperature of 400K, refuses 42 MJ at a temperature of 200K, and delivers 15 kWh of mechanical work. Would you advise investing money to put this engine in the market?

Question 6:

a) Define the term dryness fraction.
b) Steam is throttled from 11 bar abs. to 1.15 bar abs. the temperature after throttling is 1300c.

Compute the dryness fraction of steam. Suppose cp = 2.1kj/kg k for superheated steam.

Question 7:

a) Describe the basic principle of steam calorimetry.
b) State the term critical properties.

Question 8: Derive clausius-claperyon equation for pure substance. Also state its importance.

Question 9: A vessel of volume 0.04 m3 comprises a mixture of saturated water and saturated steam at a temperature of 2500c, the mass of liquid present is 9 kg. Find out the pressure, the mass, the enthalpy, the entropy and internal energy.

Question 10: A vessel of 1 m3 capacity contains steam at 20 bar and 0.85 dryness fraction. Steam is blown off till the pressure drops to 10 bar. The valve is then closed. Find out the mass of steam blown off. Suppose process as throttling.

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Mechanical Engineering: Application of second law of thermodynamics
Reference No:- TGS03259

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