
Application of ozonation-ion exchange-wastewater treatment

1)(a) Write down the procedures to be followed in taking a waste water sample?

(b) How do you evaluate the following?

(i) Dissolved oxygen

(ii) Acidity

2) Describe the difference between aerobic, anaerobic bonds. With the help of suiatble schematic diagram write down details of activated sludge process and deduce design equation.

3)(a) Describe how do you eliminate refractory substance from waste water?

(b) Write a detailed note on biological nitrification and denitrification.

4) Explain the methods of removal of nutrients from waste water.

5) Describe the application of following in wastewater treatment.

(a) Ozonation

(b) Ion exchange

6) Describe in detail the design procedure for thickener.

7) Explain the different methods of sludge waste disposal and management. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

8)(a) Describe how process such as sizing, desizing and dyeing in textile industry contribute to pollution load.

(b) Explain how activated carbon treatment can be utilized for textile industry effluent?

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Other Subject: Application of ozonation-ion exchange-wastewater treatment
Reference No:- TGS013052

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