
Application of organizational behavior concepts in google


The final project is a 2000- to 2500-word research paper on the successful and/or unsuccessful application of organizational behavior concepts in Google. Select and research the three below organizational behavior concepts that, uniquely practiced, make Google either successful, unsuccessful, or a combination of both. You are required to use five to seven references as part of your research. The final paper should be formatted according to APA guidelines, and contain the following elements:

•    An introduction and a thesis statement
•    A body with supporting evidence and in-text citations
•    A conclusion
•    A reference list with at least five to seven sources

Your research should uncover how Google successfully uses, or suffers by ignoring, any of the following concepts:

•    Motivation
•    Organizational Culture
•    Human Resources Practices

Be sure to provide multiple examples of the main concepts as practiced at Google.

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Other Management: Application of organizational behavior concepts in google
Reference No:- TGS01964263

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