Application of nursing informatics principles

Assignment task:

Respond to your colleagues, asking questions to help clarify the scenario and application of data or offering additional/alternative ideas for the application of nursing informatics principles. Provide 2 references.

Nursing informatics "is the specialty that integrates nursing science with multiple information and analytical sciences to identify, define, manage and communicate data, information, knowledge and wisdom in nursing practice." (HIMMS, 2023)

In Cardiac Care Recovery, discharge instructions are essential to ensure patients are well-equipped to care for themselves post-procedure. The majority of the cases performed in our department are arterial punctures and have the potential to become a medical emergency after discharge from the department. Post-op complications are not very common but have the potential to arise at any point during the patient 3-day recovery period.

Analyzing data of those patients faced with post-op complications could better educate future patients on risks outside of the hospital. Compiling data on events leading up to the incident would better inform the nursing staff of education topics. As hospitals have become focused on lowering readmission rates due to reimbursement challenges, nursing leaders would benefit from data regarding post-procedure readmission challenges.

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Other Subject: Application of nursing informatics principles
Reference No:- TGS03420270

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