
Application-nongoverning volunteer recruitment

Application: Nongoverning Volunteer Recruitment Board Governance & Volunteer Management

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Given the importance of matching nongoverning volunteers to the organizational mission and needs, it is important that staff clearly understand client/stakeholder needs that can be appropriately served by volunteers. It also is important to understand what motivates volunteers to give their time and expertise. This makes the creation/implementation of appropriate volunteer roles and recruitment strategies an important element of an organization's volunteer management plan. The nongoverning volunteer recruitment process should be as deliberate and thorough as the process used to recruit board members. Nongoverning volunteers often are the public face of a nonprofit organization. How they live out the mission of the organization impacts the organization's credibility and ability to meet its mission.


• Bring to mind the organization you are using in your Project Refer tohttps://www.homeworkmarket.com/content/recruiting-volunteers-0 (an NPO you were to reate for reaching at risk youth in inner city America.)

• Review Chapter 1 in your course text, Volunteer Management. Pay close attention to how you might start your recruitment process, what tools and processes you could use, and how you might go about selecting and recruiting volunteers for your organization.

• Think about what techniques you might use to target specific groups of potential volunteers and how you might screen people to fill the needs of your organization.

• Consider the tools and processes for selecting and hiring volunteers presented in the text.

• Consider characteristics of effective nongoverning volunteers, specifically characteristics that those in your particular organization would need to be effective and contribute to the organization.

• Think about what might be the most effective tools and processes for recruiting nongoverning volunteers.

The assignment (2-3 pages):

• Briefly describe your Final Project organization.

• Summarize what you believe to be your need for nongoverning volunteers, that is, how many you might need and for what. Be specific.

• Explain at least three characteristics of effective nongoverning volunteers, characteristics that could actually become selection criteria for the volunteers you recruit for your organization, given its mission and what the volunteers would be doing. Again, be specific.

• Explain at least two specific tools and/or processes you would use to select and recruit your nongoverning volunteers and justify the selection of each.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources excluded in the Learning Resources for this course.

Attachment:- Recruiting.rar

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Other Management: Application-nongoverning volunteer recruitment
Reference No:- TGS01820722

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