Application case study

Project instructions:

This fourth Application Case Study is designed to help you analyze how social workers use different types of group meetings in working with their clients.

Professional social workers commonly use groups to help their clients discuss and understand their problems. In Chapter 8 of our textbook, there are ten different groups discussed.

In a 2 to 3 page paper, using the latest APA guidelines, please discuss the following:

Vision yourself as a professional social worker who specializes in the treatment of teenage girls who have different types of problems. Select 5 different types of groups that you would commonly use in your practice. For each group, name the specific type of group, then describe what a typical meeting would be like for this group, e.g. its goals, its anticipated outcomes, group activities, which clients would be invited. Discuss each group separately.

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Other Subject: Application case study
Reference No:- TGS01437473

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