
Apple is about to release its latest technology the company

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"Assessing Stakeholder Positions" Please respond to the following:

• Apple is about to release its latest technology. The company needs to develop a plan to communicate with key stakeholders about the release. You have been tasked with identifying those main stakeholders and selecting the method for communicating with each group. Summarize your plan in a two to three paragraph post.


"Assessing Stakeholder Positions" Please respond to the following:

Apple is about to release its latest technology. The company needs to develop a plan to communicate with key stakeholders about the release. You have been tasked with identifying those main stakeholders and selecting the method for communicating with each group. Summarize your plan in a two to three paragraph post.

Stakeholders are simply "refers to persons and groups that affect, or are affected by, an organization's decisions, policies, and operations. The word stake, in this context, means an interest in or claim on a business enterprise. Those with a stake in the firm's actions include such diverse groups as customers, employees, stockholders, the media, governments, professional and trade associations, social and environmental activists, and nongovernmental organizations." Lawrence, A., Weber, J. (2014).

As we have learned from our text and instruction materials, stakeholders share the some of the same risks and rewards as the company, based on the companies' activities. When we think about our stakeholders, we must realize the actions and decisions a company makes can either have a positive or negative impact (or vice versa) on the success of the company.

Communicating company technological advances can be executed through press releases. Press releases convey messages to internal as well as external stakeholders. Another channel would be through media marketing such as T.V., radio, tradeshows such as CES and or social media. For distributers of a product that may be emerging on the scene, the company may hold corporate conferences.


Lawrence, A., Weber, J. (2014). Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy, 14th Edition. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from https://online.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781259191046/

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Business Management: Apple is about to release its latest technology the company
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