
Apple inc puts in place appropriate measures to ensure that


lo Dr. Geofrey I am using the Introduction page for another assignment it was just an example to guide you when doing the PowerPoint Presentation. If you have any questions for me, please feel ree to email me anytime day or night. Thanks a whole lot!


I. PowerPoint Presentation Discussion

Post your PowerPoint presentation here as an attachment, and include a brief overview of your project and what you have discovered as a result of this assignment. Your post should be 300 words or more which you already has done for me and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE follow the The Research Outline that is sent to you.

Next, review the PowerPoint presentations to 2 of your classmates or more, and next then prepare a response post with your insights, observations, and ask a MAXIMUM of 2 questions to the classmates that you will response to). Your response posts should be a MAXIMUM of 150 words or more each NO less!

II. Organizational Culture for Apple Research Outline


This Sample Outline describes the Organizational culture of Apple Inc., and organizational culture is described as a unique and distinguished system of shared meanings employed by members of an organization which makes the organization unique. This outlines also briefly describes some of the practices employed by Apple Inc. which makes it unique and distinguishes it from other organizations. In continuation, various culture practiced by Apple company is said to impact the organization in positive ways, and because of these; the company also employs certain measures that ensure the positive cultures are maintained and put into practice throughout the organization operational lifetime. How organizational culture of Apple Inc. started is also mentioned through the outline, and most of the practiced cultures were introduced by the key founders. Finally, the outline includes a conclusion of the culture and a part to include the recommendations which can be employed to improve the organizational culture.

I. A. definition of Organizational Culture

1. Organizational culture basically refers a distinguished system of shared meaning practiced by members, makes the organization unique and distinguishes it from other organizations.

2. Practices that defines the culture of Apple Inc. include;

a. Creativity

b. Innovation

c. Moderate Combativeness

d. High level of Excellence

B. Apple Culture as a descriptive term

1. Apple organization culture focuses on its employees' perception of the characteristics of the culture not whether they love the culture.

2. Apple employees view their organization culture as to;

a. Encourage teamwork

b. encourages innovation and inventions

c. Stifle Initiative.

II. How do culture impact on Apple Inc.?

A. Culture can positively or negatively affect Apple Inc.

1. Culture Functions in Apple Inc.

a. defining unique role of Apple

b. provides employees with a sense of identity

c. ensure the social systems are stable

2. The current pattern of decentralization in organizations makes culture more beneficial for Apple Inc. than ever, however, establishing a strong culture may prove difficult.

B. Culture creates Climate

1. Organizational climate can be defined as shared perceptions employees of an organization have about their organization and environment.

2. By creation of an overall workplace climate by Apple Inc., higher customer satisfaction and good financial performance is realized.

III. Creating and Sustaining Culture


Apple Inc. puts in place appropriate measures to ensure that their culture is maintained and doesn't fade away.

How Organizational culture of Apple started.

Founders of Apple Inc. are the pioneers of its culture

Culture creation can occur through ways such as:

Founders hire employees who think and feel the way they do.

How the founders of Apple Inc. behave acts as a role model for other employees?

Employees and incorporated and taught the founders way of thinking.


Summary of Apple Inc. Organizational culture

Recommendation for a better organization culture.


Rossmann, D. (January 01, 2010). Understanding Organizational Culture and Group Dynamics.

Muraina, M. B., & Muraina, K. O. (January 01, 2016). Understanding and Managing Organizational Culture and Justice.

Annonatated Bibligraphy

III. Organization Development

Alvesson, M. (2013). Understanding organizational culture. Los Angeles: Sage.

This book is a comprehensive book and covers most issues relating to organizational culture. Notably, the book conveys a lot regarding organizations culture and the changes it has undergone over the years. This implies that it provide a fascinating source of understanding and the pleasures together with frustration in the workplace. Most importantly, it provides a useful and comprehensive guide which aids individuals in understanding the organization culture in a range of angles and contexts. Most importantly, the book helps in answering some questions and to explore alternatives which help in understanding completely about organizational goals and culture.

Mats Alvesson is the chairman at the University of Sweden at the department of administration and being a part-time professor at Queensland school of business. He has also carried out extensive research in areas touching on organization cultures and in this regards have published twenty books and hundreds of articles.

Argyris, C. (2012). Organizational Traps: Leadership, culture, organizational design. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

This book explores some methods which can be used in leading as well as improving the organizational effectiveness with regards to the cultural changes and practices which will seek to improve on the competency of the leaders and organizational success. By describing such methods, the author uses theories and some advice which will help to lessen the gaps which exist between the intention of the organization to change and the reality. In doing this, the book shows the most efficient methods which can be applied to ensure effective organization culture is achieved and maintained.

Chris Argyris is the professor of education and organizational behavior at the James Bryant Conant at Harvard University emeritus. He has been awarded numerously with thirteen honorary degree and the contribution awards with regard to academy management by the American Psychological Association. He is also the director emeritus of the monitor group.

Frost, P. J. (2015). Organizational culture. Beverly Hills u.a: Sage Publ.

This book explores the connections which exist between the organizational culture and culture outside of the organization. Additionally, the book focuses on diverse methodologies with regards to enabling one to understand the concepts of organization culture which include the language and power distribution within an organization. It includes theoretical analysis of organizational culture and cultural changes which are the process of managing diverse cultures in an organization.

Peter J. Frost is the chair of the organizational behavior in the University of British Columbia in the department of commerce and business administration. He is also an author and has written about ten books and published numerous journals dealing with organizational behavior. In his work, he has done good jobs and has been awarded a prestigious educator award in the Academy of Management in the year 1998.

In Fuller, C. P. (2015). Organizational culture: Leadership strategies, outcomes, and effectiveness.

With the organization and corporate culture being perceived as most important in any organization since it helps in growth and development, it is depicted that such should be adopted and practiced by the enterprises. Therefore, this book provides the knowledge by discussing the knowledge of management success with the various dimensions of the organizations. It as well touches on the interpersonal trust which contributes to the overall success of the organization culture.

Paul Fuller Cameron is a Masters Degree holder in business administration from Los Angeles Pacific College and did his Ph.D. at the University of Colorado. He also has carried out some writing where he has written some book with numerous educative journals touching on the organization's cultures.

Miroshnik, V. (2013). Organizational culture and commitment: Transmission in multinationals.

This book by Miroshnik provides directions with regards to the formation of company citizenship which will lead to the success of their multinational company's trough the creation of psychological alignments of the staff working in such a company. The book in this regards proposes some set of practices and policies which should be put in place so that the organizational culture will promote acts which lead to the overall success of the organization.

This creation of such policies and establishing of values to govern the employees is termed as the interrelationship which will exist between the culture and the organizations.

Victoria Miroshnik is a Ph.D. holder from Glasgow University as well as an achieved her masters in psychology from Moscow State University. Notably, she has been an associate professor in Japan Ritsumeikan University together with American University which is located in Dubai. It is coherent that she has extensive knowledge as she also carry out publications of books and articles relating to business.

Mustafa, A. (2013). Organizational Behavior.

This book has been written with coherent and straightforward language with tables and diagrams which have been detailed with information regarding the organizational culture to enhance its understandability. Notably, the book covers extensively the group cohesiveness as well as a development which include motivation of employees wh9ch is an attempt to improve their morale and adapt to the positive organization culture. The book moreover provides a step by step process where the management can follow to improve the organization culture.

A. Mustafa is currently a professor as well as the head of Sathak Institute in the department of management studies. In his earlier times, he had been the head of economics department in the Sourashtra College.

Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational Culture and Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

This book has been depicted to be most influential of all the books touching on the management and most importantly organization behaviors. This book transforms the concept of the organization culture to be a tool which can be used in shaping the dynamics of the changes which are to be carried out within the organizations. Moreover, this book focuses mainly in modern business realities. The author has drawn a wide range of contemporary issues and cultures which redefine the important roles of leaders regarding organizational cultures and goals.

Edgar Henry Schein is a former MIT Sloan of the department of management. During his tenure, he made various notable achievements with regards to organizational development in areas such as career development and organization culture. He studied at the University of Chicago.

Sullivant, J. (2016). Building a Corporate Culture of Security: Strategies for Strengthening Organizational Resiliency.

This book provides various strategies which are mainly designed for organization resiliency as it provides the scholars with the strategies which have been proven to be very effective when it come to organizational culture. Most importantly, the book provides a viewpoint of a leading expert in the field with such integrated strategies which seek to convert such threats ad hazards into various actionable security solutions.

Sullivant J was a known scholar who wrote various books mainly touching on the organization's administrations together with organizational culture and behaviors. He was a PhD holder as well as a Masters holder in organization management.

IV. Organization Developments


Apple Inc. is a globally known company for which manufactures computers and its accessories. It has been noticed that the company has been going through various changes in their organizational culture as well a site organizational structure due to various environmental changes and the need to stay in market competitively. The company also is a fast growing and within a little time; the management might become unable to keep and maintain the operations of the organization's finance.

In this regards, the company has a need to evaluate its organizational structure and most importantly their culture so as to avoid acts of bankruptcy. In essence, with the company's drive to perform very well in its market and to succeed in its operations, the structure and culture ought to be transformed so as to enable them to form a more competitive activity and continue performing well in their market (In Meschtscherjakov, In De, In Fuchsberger, In Murer, & In Tscheligi, 2016).

It is also quite coherent that Apple Company has undergone major transformations in their critical time through various restructuring processes which enable them to regain control of their operations as well as finances which indubitably helps the company in staying competitive on the global market.

Organizational Culture

The organizational culture of Apple is mainly based on the ideal which entails self-motivated individuals who have the willingness to work harder despite various issues which might surround them. The unique apple company structure has indubitably allowed the company to grow as well as react to various quick changes when compared mainly to their competitors. It can be denoted that the company's culture which had allowed the decisions to be made at the lower level enabled them to grow fast as the changes were implemented whenever it was deemed to be necessary offering them advantages.

Their policies as stipulated in their corporate headquarters ensured that all the activities especially of the local employees were made daily so as to ensure that the decisions being made are in line with the needs of the company to satisfy their customer's needs. By using this structure, the company had been able to react to such quick issues which need quick responses and enables the company to find solutions without involving the corporate headquarters which would have taken a lot of time in making such decisions (In Pelsmaekers, In Rollo, & In Jacobs, 2014).

With such cultural practices of the company in place, it is coherent that the employees will maintain their acts of being creative so as to ensure that they only produce the best and unique products to enable them to be on top of the market and win the entire market. Moreover, as the culture encourages acts of innovations, the employees will have the abilities to explore their talents fully in producing the unique goods for the company which will be very appealing to the customers.

Apple Culture as a Descriptive Term

It is also quite coherent that the apple organization culture mainly focuses on the employee's perception to their tasks and whether they love being associated with the organization culture or not. In ensuring that the employees are comfortable with the culture, the employees are given freedom to come up with policies which will enable them to carry out their duties willingly and satisfactorily while ensuring that they achieve the set organizational goals (Doshi, McGregor, & Kahlenberg, 2015).

In allowing the employees to work this way, they will be encouraged to work together so that they can be able to come up with a more acceptable and unique product of high quality which will be appealing to the customers. This will indubitably encouraged teamwork which will see the company improve its productions and strengthened relationships among the employees and the management. It as well leads to encouragement of the innovations and inventions as they will be putting together the different skills they have to come up with the unique products (Alvesson, 2013).

Culture's Impact on Apple Inc.

The culture of Apple Inc. has been found to have various impacts on both the employees and the management and to the customers as well. It has generally impacted the organization positively as it has enabled it to progress as the year's moves. With such cultures, the employees have come to understand what they are expected of them and most importantly how to handle various issues of the organization. This helps them in achieving the set objectives of the company.

The culture as well as lead to establishing the major role of the company and the methods which can be used in ensuring that each role of the individuals are performed satisfactorily and willingly so that it can be appealing to the customers. Notably, by delegating some tasks to the employees as always being the culture of the company, the employees will be able to have a sense of identity and thus encouraged to work better and keep such identity.

Notably, due to various activities which range from decentralization in the various organizations, it can be noted that Apple organizational culture has had positive impacts since it ensures that the company despite any structural and management changes, the organization culture is maintained and keeps the company moving forward strong as always. This ensures that the operations of the company do not tamper with whatever the circumstances (Ehrhart, Schneider, & Macey, 2014).

Culture Creates Climate

With the organizational culture being depicted as the shared perceptions of the organization by both the employees and the management, the general environment of the organization as well creates a place where it will determine if the employees are comfortable not which will further have various impacts on the production of the products in the company. In this regards, creation of a good and appealing environment should be a priority for the management so that the employees can be motivated to work hard and achieve the set objectives. This will also lead to customer satisfaction and most importantly a good financial gain being realized by the company.

Creating and Sustaining Culture

Creating a culture is deemed to be a very good practice while maintaining it moreover is very good. This is to say that creating and maintaining a culture in an organization is very important as it will dictate the direction in which the company is operating to. In this regards, the creation of culture needs serious thoughts as well as research analysis so as to understand what exactly is needed and acceptable to the company in order for it to continue performing very well. In essence, there are measures which can also be put in place to ensure that the culture is maintained and not just fade away days after its creation.

Apple Inc.'s culture started when its founding fathers decided to put into practice some of the activities they believed it would help them to penetrate the market and become successful. Some of the cultures were maintained while the being dropped, and most importantly others being adopted into the company as it proved to be very beneficial to the company and to the customers as well. Generally, to come up with a new organization culture, the management usually asks the employees to come up with practices which they believe it will help the organization to carry out its activities efficiently and serve customers satisfactorily without straining so much. The proposals sent will then be analyzed, and its applicability checked so that the best ones are adopted and practiced. This forms a basis of an organization culture (Anderson, 2012).

Notably, the employees as well are given times to visit the other competitor's companies posing as the customers so that they can keenly look at the way they are being served and then note down such cultural practices practiced by the competitors. They will then adopt some of the practices which look appealing and then practice them also at their companies. Notably, they can also be trained by the trainers hired by the organization regarding the most acceptable practices which are mainly anticipated of the employees of any company. In this regards, such training will help the employees to understand the culture which is associated with the most successful companies and in that regards behave as expected.


In summing up, it is coherent that Apple Inc. culture is so appealing and is evident in the fact that it had been able to satisfy their customers and keeping them asking for more products from them. The way they handled the customers are professionally acceptable with the quality products make it even more attractive to the customers. In this regards, it can be noted that organizational culture is very beneficial since it enables the employees to perform their tasks professionally and be able to achieve the set organizational goals.


In order for the Apple Inc. to improve their organizational culture as well, customers should be involved. This is to say the customers should be asked on what they would like to see when carrying out their business in the company and the interaction they will like to experience while interacting with the employees of the company. In this regards, the company will be able to serve their customers well and in turn get sufficient financial gains to expand into other regions.


Alvesson, M. (2013). Understanding organizational culture. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Anderson, D. L. (2012). Cases and exercises in organization development & change. Los Angeles: Sage.

Doshi, N., McGregor, L., & Kahlenberg, C. (2015). Primed to perform: How to build the highest performing cultures through the science of total motivation.

Ehrhart, M. G., Schneider, B., & Macey, W. H. (2014). Organizational climate and culture: An introduction to theory, research, and practice.

In Meschtscherjakov, A., In De, R. B., In Fuchsberger, V., In Murer, M., & In Tscheligi, M. (2016). Persuasive Technology: 11th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2016, Salzburg, Austria, April 5-7, 2016, Proceedings.

In Pelsmaekers, K., In Rollo, C., & In Jacobs, G. (2014). Trust and discourse: Organizational perspectives.

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