"Drug War Turned Toward Marijuana in '90s" reported in 2005 that "the focus of the drug war in the United States shifted significantly in the past decade from hard drugs to marijuana," specifying that the proportion of all drug arrests attributed to marijuana rose from 0.28 in 1992 to 0.45 in 2002. However, "the most widely quoted household survey on the topic has shown relatively little change in the overall rate of marijuana use over the same time period, experts say."21
a. In this situation, do 0.28 and 0.45 refer to and or p1 and p2?
b. Apparently, researchers tested for a relationship between year (1992 or 2002) and nature of the drug arrest (due to marijuana or hard drugs). Was their test statistic large or not large?
c. Was the P-value for the test described in part (b) small or not small?
d. Apparently, another test was carried out to test for a relationship between year (1992 or 2002) and whether or not a respondent used marijuana. Was the test statistic for this test large or not large?
e. Was the P-value for the test described in part (d) small or not small?