Determine whether statements accurately represent data.
The following sentences interpret the table in Figure 25. Analyze each sentence to determine whether it represents the data in the table accurately.
a. Males and females alike believe Apex is an asset to the community.
b. More than one-fifth of the females (22%) did not respond.
c. Age and the generation gap bring about different beliefs.
d. Married males over age 50 had the most positive opinions.
e. Females disagree more than males, probably because most of the workers at Apex are male.
f. Female respondents tend to disagree with the statement.
g. Apex should be proud of the fact that four-fi fths of the residents believe the company is an asset to the community.
h. Thirteen percent of the younger residents have doubts about whether Apex is an asset to the community.
i. More single than married residents didn't care or had no opinion about the topic.
j. Overall, the residents believe that 8% of the company is not an asset to the community.