
Any communication designed to persuade must consider effect

Assignment: Mediated Speech

Any communication designed to persuade must consider the effect of the medium upon the message. The purpose of this assignment is utilize your growing knowledge of public speaking in a mediated setting, requiring you to convey your message using still and/or video images and sound. As discussed in class, you may choose any audiovisual format convey your message, as long as it is not entirely fictional. This means that formats like interview, voice-over, newscast are acceptable, but formats like skits or dramas are not acceptable. This is an opportunity to create an insightful project that creatively delivers a message.

The mediated speech is an exercise in digital storytelling and should be a creative and engaging endeavor. Speeches may be informative or persuasive. Speeches should be 5-7 minutes long and in video format with the title "CRS Presents: [Your name]". Speeches will then be uploaded to YouTube (can be public or private) for the whole class to view.


1. Topic Proposal:

a. There are NO topic exclusions for this speech.
b. The one-page topic proposal should include;

i. Background

1. A general discussion of the history of the issue
2. A general statement explaining why this issue is important today

ii. Thesis statement with a roadmap.

c. You will not be allowed to complete the assignment unless and until your proposal has been submitted and approved.

2. Final Speech Outline including video cues

a. Draft a Full-Sentence Outline/with video cues for a 5-7-minute speech.
b. Using your draft outline as a guide, divide your presentation into words and video cues. Video cues should be clearly marked.

For example:

Background: The shot opens on the shores of a sandy beach where many people are relaxing

Cue: Lulu enters the shot wearing a blue blouse.

Introduction: Did you know that an octopus only has three hearts? etc [thesis statement]..

Cue: A labelled, biological diagram of an octopus is shown with Lulu's voiceover

Main Point 1: (Luluvoiceover) Octopi are in fact one of the most intelligent creatures in the world.

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subpoint 2
subpoint 3

Transition: Though octopi are a marvel of nature, they are also subject to its harsh realities and must participate in the never-ending battle between predator and prey.

Cue: Ocean sounds (in-text citation referencing source)

Cue: Video clip of an octopus migrating

Main Point 2: Octopi use a number of locomotive methods to escape the fatal hold of their predators.

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subpoint 3

c. Video cues should include:

i. A description of the background.
ii. A description individuals on screen.
iii. A description of music, if any, and when cued in.
iv. A description of additional graphics and when cued in.
v. A description of camera angles and when cued in.
vi. Be sure all music/visuals are copyright-free.

3. Produce a digital story

a. Directions for the video:

i. Be advised a 5-7 minute project with only the speaker looking into the camera is unlikely to keep an audience engaged. You must be creative and use visual aids fit to your speech.

ii. You are welcome to use stand-alone cameras or simply the cameras available on your computer or phone. Seek out resources on campus and in the library by talking to the circulation desk.

iii. The video must be uploaded to YouTube. For some people, the program Screencastomatic has been helpful.

iv. Please use public settings when publishing the video. I recommend using public settings, as often I can't access Private videos. In addition, the video will still be viewed by your classmates on your assigned speech day.

b. Elements to consider:

i. Your on-screen persona.
ii. Research the various styles of politicians, religious leaders, and other experienced public speakers.
iii. Each one has a different approach to stating his or her message.
iv. Rhetorical, visual and vocal tools effective for the screen.

c. For Technology Help

i. Go to the library database for Syracuse University - Summons.

ii. Click Technology under the "Services" heading.

iii. If you are looking for recording devices, click loaner technology.

1. This includes camcorders, stands, MacBook pros, etc.

iv. Need to work with someone in a one-on-one setting for help editing or general technology assistance throughout this project?

1. Remember, to make your appointment in advance! Always be as specific about the assignment as possible to ensure the best help.

v. You may also work on your recording with friends and reserve a team room.

vi. Afraid you don't have the right software on your computer for this project?

4. Final Works Cited Page: Provide a works cited list/bibliography of those sources you use in the speech. Unlike the Works Cited page on your draft outline, this page should include sources of any visuals or audio used. Put this in the comments section of your video upload.

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Other Subject: Any communication designed to persuade must consider effect
Reference No:- TGS02510671

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