
Antoine equation-clausius clapeyron equation

Question1. Using Excel or Mathematical, plot the Txy diagram for pentane (1) / heptanes (2) at P = 3.0 bar.  Assume an ideal gas vapour phase and an ideal solution liquid phase.  You can use the Antoine equation to find the vapour pressures.

Question2. Using Excel or Mathematical, plot the Pxy diagram for pentane (1) / heptanes (2) at T = 120oC.  Assume an ideal gas vapour phase and an ideal solution liquid phase. You can use the Antoine equation to find the vapour pressures.

Question3. Using the Clausius Clapeyron equation, compute the heat of vaporization of water at 100oC (it is roughly constant with T, but not quite), given the data below.  Show your linear fit (e.g., from Excel) and your calculations clearly.  Also, give the uncertainty (95% confidence interval) in the fitted value, given the data and the model, and compare with the experimental value.

Question4. Fit for the Antoine constants (A, B, C) for the data above for water, using a nonlinear fit (e.g., in Excel).

Compare with A, B, C from the tables in the class notes.

Question5. Find the compressibility factors (Z for liquid and vapor) for CO2 at P = 10.0 bar, for T from -100 to +200 C in 10 C increments.  Use the SRK equation of state, and Excel to find the values.  Note whether the roots start to become spurious at various points.

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Chemistry: Antoine equation-clausius clapeyron equation
Reference No:- TGS01532

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