Antiparkinsmian Drugs:
Antiparkinsonian drugs are the specific drugs to treat the extrapynnidal side effects of antipsychotic agents.
Anticholinergic drugs block the secretion, thereby reducing the symptoms of akathesia and acute dystonia. It is not effective against tardive dyskinesia. Antihistamines have effects like anticholinergic drugs. Amantadines are doparnine-releasing agents from central neurones. Studies show that this drug may affect some clients with Pardive dyskinesia.
Side Effects of Antiparkinsonian Drugs:
The side effects are dry mouth, flushed, dry skin, blurred vision, drowsiness, dizziness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, slurred speech, insomnia, inability to concentrate.
Nurse's Role
Maintain an intake output chart.
Encourage adequate intake of fluids and roughage in the diet.
Record vital signs.
Adivse the patient not to get up quickly from a lying-down position to sitting.
Activity 2 Write the medication sheet for all the drugs you have given to your patient during clinical work in psychiatric ward or OPD.