Anticonvulsant drugs may be effective because they encourage the effect of the neurotransmitter GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid). Calcium transport may also be involved. The present experiment randomly assigned 48 rats to eight experimental conditions. These eight conditions are the factor-level combinations of three factors, each at two levels. The factors are the anticonvulsant Trifluoperazine (brand name Stelazine) present or absent, the anticonvulsant Diazepam (brand name Valium) present or absent, and the calcium-binding protein calmodulin present or absent. The response is the amount of GABA released when brain tissues are treated with 33 mM K+ (data based on Table I of de Belleroche, Dick, and Wyrley-Birch 1982).

Analyze these data and report your findings. We are interested in whether the drugs affect the GABA release, by how much, and if the calmodulin changes the drug effects.