
Anti symmetric and transitive properties of aggregation

1) Describe runtime polymorphism demonstrating a program in Java or C++ in detail.

2) Write down the principles of modelling?

3) Describe the anti symmetric and transitive properties of aggregation.

4) Why is it essential to have variety of diagrams in a model of a system?

5) Explain the following:

i. Use case driven

ii. Architecture centric

iii. Incremental process

iv. Artifact

6) What do you mean by interaction diagrams? What are their contents and common properties? Define semantic equivalence between two kinds of interaction diagrams.

7) Write down the steps to model flows of control by time ordering.

8) Consider a retail system that interacts with customers who place and track orders. In turn, the system will ship orders and bill the customers. Model the behavior of the system will ship orders and bill the customers. Model the behavior of the system by declaring the behaviors as use cases.

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C/C++ Programming: Anti symmetric and transitive properties of aggregation
Reference No:- TGS010619

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