
Anthropology of gender


Anthropology of Gender

Although many perspectives exist, theorists agree that gender has had a profound effect on shaping culture. They also contend that gender roles and gender identities are variously transformed in different parts of the world. The Research Paper will examine how gender is expressed in different communities and will provide you with an opportunity to discuss the status of women in various cultures. In your Research Paper, you will examine the ways in which gender and sexuality have been constructed in specific cultural and historical contexts, and how these categories have been analyzed by anthropologists.

Focus your research on one of the following topics: Status of Women in Prehistoric Communities: The Start of the Division of Labor Gender Roles in Traditional Asian Communities: Patterns of Heaven Sexuality in Islamic Society Women in Military Combat Roles American in Public, Ethnic in Private: Gender Identity Among Transnational Immigrant Women Religion, Homosexuality, and Gender Identity in Africa Womens Health and Reproductive Rights Patriarchy, the Taliban, and the Education of Girls in Afghanistan Culture, Sexuality, and Perceptions of the Body Other topics may be chosen, but must be cleared with the instructor first.

Your answer must be in 8 to 10 page, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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Other Subject: Anthropology of gender
Reference No:- TGS01945731

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