
Answers the question given below nbsprelated to the topic

Answers the question given below  related to the topic "Retention Initiatives: Voluntary Turnover"

True / False Questions

41. A recent Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) survey found that the most effective organizational strategy for retaining employees is the provision of concierge services.
True False

42. Surveys suggest that HR managers believe that a totally different set of factors lead to turnover compared to regular employees.
True False

43. To have the power to attract and retain employees, rewards must be unique and unlikely to be offered by competitors.
True False

44. In general, most employees report that the opportunity for higher compensation is a more powerful predictor of turnover than conflict with supervisors.
True False

45. Research has shown that the best performers are least likely to quit when an organization either rewards performance with higher compensation or widely communicates its compensation practices; doing both adds little to these independent effects.
True False

46. Of the factors that influence an employee's desirability of leaving, job satisfaction is the one that cannot be influenced to a significant degree by organizations.
True False

47. Providing employees increased autonomy and requiring them to learn a variety of skills increases stress significantly, which leads to greater turnover rates.
True False

48. One guideline for increasing job satisfaction and retention is to ensure that fairness and justice exist in the workplace.
True False

49. Employee perceptions of injustice are often rooted in misunderstanding or ignorance of company policies that could be resolved with increased communication.
True False

50. Employees may not like a supervisor who speaks in a derogatory way towards them, but evidence suggests they seldom actually turnover as a result of these feelings.
True False

51. Some employees who do not take advantage of work-life balance options resent their coworkers who are more likely to use work-life programs.
True False

52. Evidence suggests that personality dispositions have little or no impact on employee tendencies to turnover.
True False

53. Because employees quit companies, not jobs, internal staffing systems are usually seen as a poor substitute for a job at another company. As such, they do little to reduce intentions to leave.
True False

Multiple Choice Questions

54. The first strategy for improving employee retention is to _____________.
A. redesign employee jobs
B. increase pay
C. improve job satisfaction
D. none of the above

55. Guidelines for increasing job satisfaction and retention include ___________.
A. establish a lag pay policy for all employees
B. link rewards to retention behaviors
C. keeping core operations information secret
D. none of the above

56. Which of the following is an attribute of a high value employee that an organization would want to prevent from leaving?
A. low training investment
B. strong KSAOs
C. retirement
D. low seniority

57. Which of the following is an attribute of a low value employee that an organization would not want to prevent from leaving?
A. little intellectual capital
B. high seniority
C. high performance
D. all of the above

58. Research most clearly suggests that when organizations wish to increase retention they need to _____.
A. provide team-building
B. convince employees that there are few alternatives
C. offer "bundles" of HR practices that complement one another
D. demonstrate executive commitment to outreach

59. Which of the following factors leading to turnover cannot usually be addressed by the organization?
A. Poor social environment at work
B. Low levels of job satisfaction
C. Employee shocks
D. All of these can be addressed by organizational policy

60. Organizations can use compensation to reduce turnover by _____.
A. providing deferred compensation
B. giving specific rewards for seniority
C. increasing pay levels to surpass the market
D. all of the above

61. Organizations that link extrinsic rewards to employee performance (i.e. that use incentive compensation plans) find that _____.
A. turnover of high performers decreases and turnover of low performers increases
B. turnover is increased across the board
C. turnover is decreased across the board
D. turnover rates are largely unaffected

62. Work-life balance programs are an example of _____.
A. communal distribution
B. intrinsic rewards
C. instrumentality
D. a completely ineffective retention strategy

63. Research on organizational justice suggests that ____.
A. justice only influences turnover in highly industrialized Western countries
B. communication has little impact on employee attitudes or turnover intentions
C. employees are typically well-informed about organizational policies
D. none of the above

64. To increase the cost of leaving, employers ____.
A. reduce headcount
B. provide deferred compensation
C. increase workloads
D. provide free stock to employees

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Business Management: Answers the question given below nbsprelated to the topic
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