
Answer the objective question on the basis of the topic

Answer the objective question on the basis of the topic "BIOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION"

(1) The Scientist who has given the 2 system classification .
(A) Ernst Mayer .
(B) Huge de Vries .
(C) Corlus Linnaeus .
(D) R.H.whttaker.
(2) The Five System classification was given by ..
(A) R.H.Whittaker .
(B) Ernst Mayer .
(C) Lamarck .
(D) Darwin .

(3)Cell wall of Monera is made up of ..
(A) Cellulose.
(B) Chitin
(C) Polysaccharide and amino acid .
(D) Cellulose absence .

(4) The kingdom which is having holozoic modes of nutrition .
(A) Animalia.
(B) Plantae .
(C) fungi .
(D) Protista .

(5) The kingdom which is having multicellular body organisation in 5 system classification .
(A) Plantae .
(B)Animalia .
(C) Fungi .
(D) Monera .

(6) The Archae bacteria which live in harsh climate such as extreme salty area .
(A) Halophiles .
(B) Cocci .
(C) Bacillus .
(D) Spirillum .

(7) The Archae bacteria which live in hot springs .
(A) Cocci .
(B) Thermoacidophiles .
(C) Methanogen .
(D) Halophiles .

(8) The archae bacteria that is present in gut of several ruminants animal such as cows and buffalo .
(A) Vibrium .
(B) Spiral .
(C) Methanogen .
(D) Thermoacidophiles .

(9) The Five kingdom classification of Whittaker there is no mention of some a-cellular organism .
(A) Viruses .
(B) Plantae .
(C) Animalia.
(D) Monera .

(10) The kingdom containing chlorophyll .
(A) Plantae .
(B) Animalia .
(C) Reptiles .
(D) Monera .

(11) Life cycle of plants has 2 distinct phases -diploid Sporophytic and haploid Gametophytic that alternate with each other called .......
(A) Alternation of generation .
(B) Parthenocarpy .
(C) Parthenogenesis .
( D) Apomixis .

(12) Fungi which is known as "Imperfect fungi"
(A) Deuteromycetes .
(B) Basidiomycetes .
(C) Phycomycetes .
(D) Ascomycetes .

(13) Fusion of protoplasm between 2 motile or non motile gametes called .
(A) Karyogamy .
(B) Plasmogamy .
(C) Fusion .
(D) None of above .

(14) Fusion of 2 nuclei in fungi .
(A) Karyokinesis .
(B) Cytokinesis.
(C) Karyogamy.
(D) Plasmogamy .

(15) The example of phycomycetes .
(A) Pencillin .
(B) Rhizopus .
(C) Yeast .
( D) Trypanosoma .

(16 ) The fungi which is commonly called "sac-Fungi"
(A) Phycomycetes .
( B) Deuteromycetes .
(C) Basidiomycetes .
( D) Ascomycetes .

(17) Name the virus that means venom or poisonous fluid given by .
(A)Lamarck .
(B)Loius Pastuer .
(C) D.J.Ivanowsky .
( D) None of Above .

(18 )Viruses contain genetic material .
(A) RNA only .
(B) DNA only .
(C) RNA and DNA .
(D)No RNA and DNA .

(19) The organism in which symbiotic association that is naturally useful association between algae and fungi .
( A) Viroids .
(B) Lichens .
( C) Plantae .
(D) Agnatha .

(20) The organism that are good pollution indicators but they do not grow in polluted area .
(A) Lichens .
(B) Fungi .
(C ) Algae .
(D) Monera .

(21) In 1971,T.O.Diener discovered a new infectious agent that was smaller than virus and caused potato spindle tuber disease .
(A) Virion .
( B) Viriods .
(C) Lichens .
(D) None of above .

(22) The example of saprophytic protists .
(A) Slime moulds .
(B) Moulds .
(C) Euglenoids .
( D) Dinoflagellate .

(23) Viruses cause disease .
(A) Mumps .
(B) Congenital disease .
(C) Cholera .

(24) The example of flagellated protozoan.
(A) Paramecium .
(B) Trypanosoma .
(C) Plasmodium.
(D) All of above .


(25) The organism that completely lack cell wall .
(A) Mycoplasma .
(B) Euglena .
(C) Paramecium .
(D) All of above .

(26)The Eu-bacteria which is referred as blue green algae.
(A) Cyanobacteria .
(B) Archaebacteria .
(C) Nostoc .
(D) Anaebaena .

(27) The organism are the chief producers in the oceans.
(A) Slime moulds .
(B) Diatoms .
(C) Euglenoids .
(D) Mycoplasma .

(28) Non-motile spores are endogenously produced in sporangium called .......
(A) Aplanospores .
(B) zoosspores .
(C) Zygospores .
(D) All of above .

(29) In Phycomycetes zygospores is formed by fusion of 2 gametes , if gametes are similar in morphology called ... ..........
(A) Isogamous .
(B) Oogamous .
(C) Ansiogamous .
(D) Karyogamy .

(30) The parasitic fungi on mustard plants .
(A) Albugo .
(B) Mucor .
(C) Pencillin .
(D) Yeast .

(31) The protozoa which includes diverse organism that have an infectious spore -like stage in life cycle .
(A) Flagellated Protozoan .
(B) Ciliated protozoans .
(C) Sporozoans .
(D) Amoeboid Protozoans .

(32)The example of protozoans, move and capture their prey by putting out pseudopodia .
(A) Entamoeba .
(B) Trypanosoma .
( C) Paramecium .
(D) Plasmodium .

(33) The asexual spore in Ascomycetes which are called .......
(A) Ascopore .
(B) Conidiospore .
(C) Ascads .
(D) Ascus .

(34) Basidiomycetes are the group of fungi that are...............
(A) Mushroom bracket fungi .
(B) Long fungi .
(C) Spiral fungi .
(D) None of Above .

(35) Asexual reproduction are not found in which fungi .
(A) Deuteromycetes .
(B) Basidiomycetes .
(C) Virion .
(D) Alternaria .

(36) AIDS in human also caused by a...
( A) Viriods .
(B) Fungi .
( C) Bacteria .
(D) Virus .

(37) The virus having protein coat called capsid ,made up of small subunit called .........
(A) Sarcomere .
(B) Capsomere .
(C) Histone .
( D) DNA.

(38) The RNA of viroids have ............... weight .
(A) High molecular weight .
(B) No weight .
( C) Low molecular weight .
(D) None of above .

(39) The organism is which cell wall have protein rich layer called pelicle .
(A) Protozoans .
(B) Paramecium .
(C) Chrysophytes .
(D) Euglenoids .


(40) The spores possess true walls and extremely resistant and survive for many years even under adverse condition is the characteristics feature of which organism .
(A) Euglenoids .
(B) Dinoflagellate .
(C) Slime moulds
(D) None of above .

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Biology: Answer the objective question on the basis of the topic
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